Mark Higson

Report 2021 "Sustainable modular solutions for a rapidly changing world

LONDON (November 17, 2022). Modulaire Group, a leading provider of modular space solutions in Asia and Europe, has released its Annual Report titled. "Sustainable Modular Solutions for a Rapidly Changing World," on Sustainability & ESG Policies. The report outlines what Modulaire Group is doing to effectively implement ESG & sustainability principles into its business strategy and decision-making processes.


The report includes a timeline for the implementation of the aforementioned goals, key initiatives and defines checkpoints, prepared in accordance with the UN SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals), TCFD (The Task Force on Climate Related Financial Disclosures) and UNGC (United Nations Global Compact. The document published at COP27 defines the three key pillars of Modulaire's strategy: Environment (Environment), Social Responsibility (Social Responsibility) and Governance (Governance); at the center of the company's development strategy is a loop-in-the-loop model that uses circular economy principles to minimize waste across its operations.

The group has published a detailed environmental action plan that includes a description of key activities through 2028, and these assumptions will be updated annually and supplemented with more solutions. They aim to lead the company to achieve net zero emissions across its supply chain before 2050.

Key assumptions include efforts to reduce energy, water and waste consumption in both its own operations and solutions offered to customers.

Social responsibility in the report focuses on improving employment practices and providing a safe, welcoming environment for all employees. The company commits to and implements initiatives involving anti-corruption, ensuring equality throughout the supply chain and implementing a code of ethics. The open presentation of the strategy in a publicly available document, indicates the transparency to which the Modulaire Group is committed. "I am confident that by proactively taking steps to support the ESG Sustainability Strategy in 2022 and beyond, we will achieve results that will benefit our stakeholders." - Mark Higson, CEO of Modularie Group, said. "We view sustainability as both a responsibility and an opportunity for our business. I firmly believe that we can help our customers reduce their greenhouse gas emissions through our sustainable products and services. "Sustainability is embedded in our goal and is at the core of the Modulaire Group's operations. Our approach is based on the principle that we must support local communities, take care of the environment and at the same time satisfy our customers," emphasizes Inder Poonaji, Director of ESG and Sustainability, Modulaire Group employs more than 4,400 people in 24 countries. It is committed to supporting UNGC and various community groups around the world. The Group is wholly owned by Brookfield Business Partners L.P.,a global investment firm that acquired the Group in December 2021.